The Men's Recovery Therapy Group
is a weekly process group designed to address lifestyle issues for many who have completed a primary treatment experience in residential or intensive outpatient programs for mental health and or substance abuse. Relapse prevention, life style changes, developing healthy relationships post drug, alcohol and other mental health difficulties are a primary focus of this aftercare group. Cost is $40 per session and a 12 week commitment is expected. An intake session is required prior to beginning the group. These groups meet on Tuesday at 7:30 pm. Call 761-1740 for more information.
Men's Sexual Health and Recovery Group
meets weekly at 7:20 am to 8:30 AM on Thursdays. The healing concepts followed in this group covers recovery from sexual addiction, relational affairs, infidelity, pornography and other sexual obsessions. Patrick Carnes' materials on "Out of the Shadows," and "Don't call it Love," are used in the recovery process. An intake counseling session is required prior to attending the group. Cost is $40 per week with a minimum of a 12 week commitment. Call 761-1740 for more information.
Waking Up to Connection and Presence Group:
This 6-week group will focus on developing awareness of presence: Our own, others and the Presence of God. We will tune into current experience, using breath, movement and mindfulness practices that foster compassion for self and empathy for others. It will include topics such as cultivating acceptance, practicing present awareness, the pillars of healthy relationships, relational styles, communication, and forgiveness and reconciliation. The group meets on Mondays from April 10- May 15, from 6-7:30pm. The cost is $40 per week or $220 if paid in full by the first session. Please call 405-919-7124 for more information.
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