A Chance to Change Foundation-substance abuse education series
Worried about substance abuse/addiction of a friend or loved one?
Support groups-
Alcoholics Anonymous
Domestic Violence
Local Domestic Violence Hotline: (405) 917-9922
Families Anonymous
Families Anonymous is a group of concerned relatives and friends whose lives have been adversely affected by a loved one's addiction to alcohol or drugs.
Narcotics Anonymous
-find meetings and resources
NAMI-National Alliance for Mental Illness
Parents Helping Parents
If you have a child (any age) abusing alcohol or other drugs call 405-642-8198 for an immediate plan of action and local resources.
Oklahoma Citizen Advocates for Recovery and Treatment Association
Providing Support for Recovery
OK Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
1 (800) 522-9054
On line AA Recovery Resources
-information, phone numbers and meetings
Overeaters Anonymous
Self help program of recovery for compulsive overeating
Meeting schedules: www.oa.org/meetings/
Overcomer’s Outreach
Christian Recovery Support Groups
Support groups in Oklahoma: www.overcomersoutreach.org/Oklahoma.htm
Oxford House
Self run recovery houses; shared housing for people in recovery from substance abuse; Requires interview and acceptance by all house members.
Sexaholics Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other.
Requirement for membership is a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober.
The Referral Center in Oklahoma City
Substance Abuse-Detox and Referral
1 (405) 525-2525
24 hour assistance
To Report Suspected Child Abuse
1 (800) 522-3511