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Victoria Scoville, MSW, LCSW

A woman in a purple shirt is smiling in front of a brick wall.

Victoria Scoville is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who holds a Bachelor of Arts in Family Psychology from Oklahoma Baptist University and a Master’s in Social Work from The University of Oklahoma. Victoria is Endorsed as an Infant Mental Health Specialist (IMH-E®) through the Oklahoma Association of Infant Mental Health. She is trained to provide Mental Health services to individuals and families prenatal through adulthood and specializes in work with children prenatal through 5 years old. Additionally, she has expertise in providing individual and group Reflective Supervision/Consultation to providers pursuing Infant Mental Health Endorsement®. 

As a therapist in the field since 2010, Victoria has acquired extensive training in the field of Infant Mental Health and Reflective practice as well as working with at-risk populations who have experienced trauma, violence, neglect, loss, and separation. Victoria is rostered in Child-Parent Psychotherapy, is trained in Circle of Security Parenting, is a Certified Educator of Infant Massage, and has received training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy as well as Conscious Discipline. 

Victoria believes in the power of healing through relationships and focuses her work with infants and young children on repairing ruptures within their relationships and processing emotional hurts within a safe and nurturing environment. Victoria holds the truth that all adults were children once and their experiences shape who they are in the present. This viewpoint anchors her individual work with older children, teens, and adults by honoring their histories to support their healing. Victoria is devoted to supporting others within their journey of healing. As a trained Hope Navigator through the Hope Research Center, Victoria seeks to create a safe environment for individuals and families to explore their hurts, create pathways to healing, and restore their hope.

Insurances Accepted: Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Healthcare Highways, and Healthchoice

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