A logo for a counseling center called transforming life

Substance Abuse

Worried about a Friend or Family Member
Struggling with alcohol and or a drug problem?

Can I Recognize Signs of an Alcohol & or Drug Problem in Someone I Care About?

Please check all that apply: ("using" means abusing a prescription drug, alcohol or illegal drug) 
  •  "Using" to calm nerves, forget worries or boost a sad mood 
  •  Guilt about using 
  •  Cannot cut down or stop using 
  •  Lying about or hiding using habits 
  •  Causing harm to oneself or someone else as a result of using 
  •  Needing to use increasingly greater amounts in order to achieve the desired effect 
  •  Feeling irritable, resentful, or unreasonable when not using 
  •  Medical, social, family or financial problems caused by using 
  •  Using in risky situations such as before driving or unwanted/unprotected sex

If you check any of the items above, please consider talking with a licensed therapist who specializes in addiction counseling. Help is available both for you, and your family member or friend.

I would like the opportunity to talk with some one (click here).

If you think a friend or family member may have an alcohol/drug problem:
  • Let them know you care and want them to get help.
  • Let your friend or family member know that risky drinking and drugging may lead to more severe problems.
  • Don't make excuses for the person using such as calling in to work sick for them because of a hangover.
  • Be specific. Tell the friend or family member that you are concerned about his or her using and want to support them in getting help. Back up your concern with examples of the ways in which their using has caused problems for both of you, including the most recent incident.
Speak to a licensed professional who specializes in an intervention. (click here).

Do you belong to an organization interested in Substance Abuse? (click here).

Where you can get help:
  • Transforming Life Counseling Center: (405) 246-LIFE (5433) 
  • Reach-out hotline: 1-800-522-9054 
  • Teen Line: 800-522-TEEN (8336) 
For Support: 
  • Al-Anon: 1-800-344-2666 
  • Alcoholics Anonymous: 1-212-870-3400 
  • Narcotics Anonymous: 1-818-773-9999

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