By Chris Eversole
The pandemic – which is still lingering – has been trying for couples, putting new strains on even the best relationships and contributing to some marriages breaking up. Let’s consider some ways couples can enhance their connections that have taken a hit over the past year or more.
Of course, just the opportunity to move beyond some of the pandemic-imposed restrictions is breathe of fresh air. Some partners who have been working from home are returning to the workplace. Kids are out and about more.
Activities with churches and sports teams have picked up. Recovery groups that had taken to Zoom meetings are returning to face-to-face ones or hybrid ones – combining in-person and Zoom participants. Schools are reopened.
The joy of returning to many normal business and community activities illustrates a principle of human nature: we are social animals, and we’re healthiest when we have a broad range of connections.
If you and your partner are still feeling isolated, depending almost entirely upon each other for support, now is a good time to broaden your horizons. What new activities can you enjoy together – from joining a small group at church to taking dance lessons together? It’s a good thing that “It takes two to tango.”
A byproduct of joint couples’ activities is that you make new friends and feel part of a support system that often extends beyond a specific type of activity.
Chris is a Counseling Intern with TLCC.
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