My name is Chelsea Williams. I was raised in Harrah, Oklahoma along with three older brothers. Needless to say, I grew up quite the Daddy’s girl. In my childhood, my parents viewed success as what life looked like on the outside no matter how chaotic it was on the inside.My mind was set at a very early age that I needed to be perfect in everything I did whether it be sports or school. Naturally, these expectations came with a lot of pressure. Prescription pills took ahold of my life pretty early on, beginning with Adderall to help me study and give me energy for sports. It was very normal as I made my way through high school, but I’ll never forget how I felt the day I tried pain pills for the first time at 19 years old. I had never felt such bliss and had never been more comfortable in my own skin.
My self worth went downhill pretty quickly for me. I kept finding myself in situations I never thought I’d be in, such as writing fake prescriptions, being homeless, and losing guardianship of my beautiful babies. Sadly this became normal for me.While I was locked away detoxing off of the drugs, I just knew there had to be something better for me out there. Little did I know, God wasn’t done with me yet! In fact, He had a BIG purpose for my life that He was about to reveal!Hope is Alive is where my journey switched from chasing after drugs to chasing after God! I have never felt God’s presence more than when I’m surrounded by my HIA family. Because of Hope is Alive, I now have custody of my two sons! I got married to my best friend and soulmate after 13 years of dating (he also went through the HIA program). I went from homeless to being a new homeowner! My future is bright today and my connection with God is stronger than it’s ever been. I owe everything to the Hope is Alive program and God who was there every step of the way!
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