We would like to acknowledge a lady, who has been with TLCC since the beginning. She was a part of visioneering our Counseling Center before our doors ever opened. She then became a “Right Hand” to TLCC by doing insurance billing for our counselors and by being the first voice that many clients heard when they called TLCC. JoLee Spence, we want to thank you for your nearly 11 years of service to our Center. You have been a constant since we opened our doors in January of 2007. May you know our love and deep appreciation for the role you have played in our lives, and in the life of TLCC.
Many of you knew Bill Spence, JoLee’s husband. He was a founding partner of TLCC and a counselor in our Center for a little over 10 years. Bill died April 10th, following a long, courageous and inspiring battle with cancer. We lost a colleague and friend, and JoLee lost the love of her life. In all, she remained a faithful, loving and protective caregiver to her husband, all the while continuing to fulfill her duties at TLCC. She consistently took care of our needs at the Center throughout her time here.
In September, JoLee left her position at TLCC to follow God’s lead in pursuing the next chapter of her life, and to spend more time with her children and grandchildren. She has a heart of ministry and a desire to impact the lives of others and by bringing wisdom and the love of Jesus into their lives.
JoLee, we love you and appreciate your time and presence here at Transforming Life. You and Bill will always be a part of TLCC and what we do here. May God bless you dearly.
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